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silicon steel strips, electrical steel strips

Silicon Steel Strip to Singapore

Cold Rolled Silicon Steel Strip to Singapore The silicon steel strip exported by our company to Singapore can also be called electrical steel strips, which is a brand of Baosteel. About Cold Rolled Electrical Steel Strip  Product: B30P105 STRIP No SPEC SIZE KG Roll 1 0.3mm +/- 0.03 x 26mm

U.S. launches investigation into alloy aluminum sheet

U.S. launches anti-circumvention investigation into alloy aluminum sheet double anti-counterfeiting case On August 26, 2022, the U.S. Department of Commerce issued an announcement stating that in response to applications submitted by the Aluminum Association Common Alloy Aluminum Sheet Working Group and its members, the aluminum alloy sheet ( Common Alloy

Australia launches review investigation into galvanized sheets

Australia initiates the second double-reverse sunset review investigation on China-related galvanized sheets On August 22, 2022, the Australian Anti-dumping Commission issued Announcement No. 2022/086, stating that in response to the application submitted by the Australian company BlueScope Steel Ltd on July 29, 2022, the import of galvanized sheets from China,

What is the structure of the large-diameter thick-walled pipe

The structure of large-diameter thick-walled pipe and its chemical activity  It can be known from modern atomic structure theory that due to the small number of outermost electrons (1e, 2e, 3e) of large-diameter thick-walled pipe atoms, and with the increase of atomic radius, these outermost electrons are easily lost. When

India considers revising steel export duties

India’s steel minister: The government is considering revising the steel export tariff policy According to foreign media sources, recently, the Indian steel minister announced that the government is considering revising the steel export tariff policy. It is reported that after the Indian government announced a 15% tariff on steel exports

Mexico terminates add on China’s RG-type coaxial cables

Mexico terminates anti-dumping duties on China’s RG-type coaxial cables On August 11, 2022, the Mexican Ministry of Economy issued an announcement that in view of the fact that domestic enterprises in Mexico have not issued RG coaxial cables originating in or imported from China (Spanish: cable coaxial del Tipo RG

India to Abolish Steel Export Tax

India to Abolish Steel Export Tax, Flat Products May Take Priority Comprehensive media news on August 10, 2022, Indian steel manufacturers expect the situation to ease soon as the government may cut export duties on some, if not all, steel products. Industry executives said the government could phase out the

Engineering Machinery Steel

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