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Mexico launches anti-dumping review on Russian steel coils

Mexico made the final ruling of the fifth anti-dumping sunset review on Russian steel coils

On November 24, 2022, the Mexican Ministry of Economy issued an announcement in the official daily, making an affirmative final ruling on the fifth anti-dumping sunset review on steel plate coils (Spanish: placa o plancha de acero en rollo) originating in or imported from Russia.

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Continue to impose 29.30% anti-dumping duties on the products involved in the case. The measures will take effect from June 8, 2021 and will be valid for 5 years. The TIGIE tax codes of the products involved are 7208.10.03, 7208.25.02, 7208.37.01 and 7225.30.07. The announcement will take effect from the day after it is issued.

On June 7, 1996, Mexico made the final anti-dumping ruling on Russian steel coils and formally imposed an anti-dumping duty of 29.30% on the products involved. Afterwards, Mexico extended the validity period of anti-dumping duties on the products involved in Russia four times on June 11, 2003, June 6, 2007, November 22, 2012, and May 2, 2017. On February 19, 2014, Mexico made the final anti-circumvention ruling on the products involved in the case in Russia, and began to issue boron alloy steel coils with a width ≥ 600 mm, 10 mm ≥ thickness ≥ 4.75 mm, and a boron content ≥ 0.0008% (tax number 7225.30 .07) A 29.30% anti-dumping duty is imposed.

On May 27, 2021, the Mexican Ministry of Economy issued an announcement to launch the fifth anti-dumping sunset review investigation on Russian steel plate coils at the request of Mexican producers.



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